

The founder of the Family Li Imperial Cuisine, Beijing,  Professor Li Shan-lin, taught Applied Mathematics at the Beijing Capital Economy & Trade University.  His wife, Wang Xiao-zhou served as a pediatrician, who passed away in Dec 2009.


Professor Li was born to a prestigious Manchurian family, whose ancestors were “Zhang Bai Qi”(Normal White Banner) Manchurians.  His grandfather, Li Zhi-jia, who lived in the years from Tongzhi to Guangxu periods during the Qing Dynasty, was a high-ranked official working in the Imperial Court.  He was Commander-in-Chief of the Palace Guards responsible for the security of the royal family.  He had the duty to ensure that all household affairs in the Imperial Court were safely taken care of by his staff to the highest standard.  He was also in charge of organizing all the royal banquets including designing the menu recipes.

Being brought up in a family of such a prestigious background, Professor Li has a passion in search of excellence in culinary art since his childhood.  The delicacies of the Imperial Court cuisine currently served in his restaurant are the results of such passion and much research during his lifetime.  He inherited the family mantle and his wife also enjoyed the art of cooking.  His knowledge for culinary art is passed on to his only son, Xiao-lin.  While not professionally engaged as a chef in the beginning, Xiao-lin acquired excellent culinary skills.  In October 1984, the Li family won the top honor in the National Day Banquet Cooking Competition. Then in 1985, Professor Li decided to establish the Family Li Imperial Cuisine, to offer the gourmet public authentic dishes directly from the Imperial Court as well as other delicate dishes of Beijing. Since its opening, the restaurant has achieved great success.  Guests cannot fail to be impressed by the unique style of operation, the cultural atmosphere, and above all the ultimate culinary experience.  The restaurant’s endless guest list of celebrities includes famous politicians, leaders of business, scholars, and artists, representing the elite of the society from all over the world.  Many of them have come to meet the amiable Professor Li and taste the celebrated dishes from the Family Li.

The Family Li’s dishes are, as it is, a combination of Imperial Court cuisine and Beijing traditional cuisine.  With careful selection of only the freshest ingredients cooked to perfection in a refined style, the chefs at the Family Li Imperial Cuisine aim to retain the natural and original flavors of the produce.  The presentation of dishes is always attractive but never pretentious.

In September 2010, Mr Li Xiao Lin, the only son and successor of Professor Li will open a new branch in the Shunyi District of Beijing. Xiao Lin inherited the family mantle and has assisted his parents to manage the old Beijing restaurant since 1985.  He was commissioned to open the first overseas branch restaurant in Melbourne, Australia in 1990.  In 2003, he was commissioned to open the Tokyo branch in Roppongi Hills.  For 3 consecutive years since 2008, the Tokyo restaurant has been awarded 2 stars by the Michelin Gourmet Guide (Tokyo).  Xiao Lin opened the Shanghai branch in 2006 and the Tianjin branch in 2008.  Located in the picturesque Huang Pu Park, the Shanghai restaurant is appointed as one of the few restaurants to serve foreign dignitaries in the 2010 World Expo.

The new branch is located at Europlaza, opposite to the New International Convention Centre.  Xiao Lin, who got a First Honour Degree in Interior Design at the Royal Melbourne University of Technology in 1996, is responsible for the design of this new restaurant.

The Family Li Imperial Cuisine is open daily for lunch and for dinner.

Family Li Imperial Cuisine branches in China:

At Beijing:

11 Yang Fang Hutong, De Nei Da Jie, Xi Cheng District

Tel: 86-10-66180107        Fax: 86-10-66137509

301, L3, Europlaza, 99 Yu Xiang Road,

Tianzhu Town, Shunyi District

(Opposite the New International Convention Centre)

Tel: 86-10-80461748        Fax: 86-10-80461923

At Shanghai:

1/F., No.500, Zhong Shan Dong Yi Road, Huang Pu District (in Huang Pu Park)

Tel: 86-21-53081919        Fax: 86-21-53080369

At Tianjin:

2/F., No.17-18, Apartment of Shidaiaocheng, West Raod of Bin Shui, Nan Kai District

Tel: 86-22-23855288 / 86-22-27826620



厉家菜主人厉善麟, 北京首都经贸大学数学教授; 夫人王晓舟, 儿科主任医师, 祖籍北京, 满族, 正白旗; 祖父厉子嘉, 清朝同治,光绪年间内务府大臣, 总管大内衣, 食, 住, 行, 宫廷大宴总掌提调. 厉教授受家庭影响自幼酷爱烹调技艺, 对宫廷饮食研究有素, 王府珍馐情有独钟, 常与夫人双双下厨, 亲自操作, 并将所得真缔传于唯一儿子厉晓麟. 晓麟虽非专业厨师, 但掌握烹调绝技. 1984年10月,在国庆宴会邀请赛中, 厉家人荣获冠军称号, 由此厉教授决定于1985年在北京开办了专营宫廷风味和北京风味的厉家菜.

厉家菜自开创以来以其独特的经营方式, 绝妙的烹调技艺, 深厚的文化内涵赢得了海内外宾客的好评. 举凡世界各国的高官, 巨贾, 学士, 名流均以一尝厉家菜为快事.

厉家菜融合宫廷, 北京, 府邸菜于一体, 選料精湛, 做工细腻, 配料严谨, 本味原汁, 天然纯朴, 不尚虚浮.

厉家菜传人厉晓麟先生将于2010年9月开设新店, 起名蘭庭厉家菜, 以纪念于2009年12月去世的慈母.晓麟自1985年厉家菜开业以来, 一直协助父母管理餐馆, 晓麟于1990年获邀远赴澳大利亚墨尔本开设厉家菜首家海外分店, 于2003年获邀前往日本开设另一家厉家菜分店, 东京厉家菜坐落于繁荣的六本木山, 该餐厅更自2008年起, 连续三年被著名的法国米其林美食指南评为两星餐馆. 除了拓展海外市场, 晓麟先后于2006年与2008年在上海市与天津市开设分店, 坐落于黄浦公园的上海厉家菜餐馆更于2010世界博览会期间, 被指定为专门接待外国元首的餐馆之一.

厉晓麟幼承庭训, 始终以诚实的态度, 朴实无华的作风经营餐馆, 希望把厉家人对中华传统美食文化的所知所爱发扬光大. 厉家菜创始人厉善麟对爱儿给予无限支持, 已届九十高龄的厉教授指出:”晓麟才华横溢, 兴趣广泛, 自幼不单酷爱烹调, 还喜欢阅读, 并醉心书法和绘画. 在墨尔本期间, 除了经营餐馆, 还入读墨尔本皇家理工大学学习室内设计, 并于1996年获授一等荣誉学士学位. 我十分支持晓麟开创蘭庭厉家菜, 我盼望蘭庭能成功, 我常跟客人说:人叫人, 千声不语, 货叫人点头就来. 我知道晓麟会用最精选的原材料, 以一颗至诚的心, 以最严谨细腻的手艺为客人呈上本味原汁的美味佳肴, 但愿蘭庭每天就如蘭亭序所书: 群贤毕至, 少长咸集成….信可乐也.”

蘭庭厉家菜坐落于欧陆广场, 紧邻新国际展览中心, 交通便利. 餐厅的室内装饰设计完全由厉晓麟亲自操刀, 揉合古典与现代风格, 务求让宾客倍感宾至如归.

凡欲到厉家菜就餐者, 请提前订餐. 厉家菜每天提供午餐及晚餐.


电话:86-10-66180107    传真:86-10-66137509
顺义区天竺镇裕翔路99号欧陆广场L3层301 (新国展对面)
电话:86-10-80461748    传真:86-10-80461923


中国上海市中山东一路500号一楼(黄浦公园内) 200002
电话: 86-21-53081919        传真: 86-21-53080369


电话:86-22-23855288 / 86-22-27826620

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